What’s your credit card statement day

Monthly Budget Planning

Here’s a question. Do you know what your credit card statement day is for each of your credit cards? The credit card statement day is the day of the month when your credit card statement starts each month. This is usually dictated by the day you opened the credit card account and so it’s different … Read more

Developing the Art of Budgeting

A Person Budgeting Hos Money

Budgeting is the cornerstone of financial success, providing a roadmap toward financial freedom. It’s an art as opposed to a science in that there is no one size fits all solution. Each person needs to find their own way, but with some guidance the way is clear. In this guide we’ll try to break down … Read more

Delayed budgeting using Credit Cards

Illustration showing credit card functions for different payments

Promoting the use of credit cards maybe be controversial opinion when it comes to budgeting, but hear me out. In my own financial journey I’ve found value in using credit cards over debit cards, not because of the air miles or whatever points earning programs credit card companies often use to entice people into spending … Read more

The Power of an annual expenses fund

Person Putting Coin in a Piggy Bank

Have you ever been caught off guard by an expense that only comes around once a year From car repairs to vet bills, these bills, while we know they will inevitably come at some point, can still come as a surprise, and when they do, wreak havoc on our budget if we’re not prepared. That’s … Read more

Getting started using spenditures

Composition of calculator with paper money and notebook with pen

So I just wanted to take you through the steps you will go through as you setup your spenditures account. I will break up the process into 5 steps: So let’s get started. 1. Create account and set your preferences First you will need to register an account here, Once submitted you will immediately be … Read more


Flat Lay of Letter Shaped Cookies

I just wanted to take some time to quickly explain why I created spenditures. Let us look at an example to illustrate the problem with budgeting on credit card that spenditures aims to solve.